File Upload Custom Field
Merging & deleting of customers
Kundenkarten via SSO
Waiting list for booking requests
Implementation of generic webhooks
Booking of a second slot the same day on the map view
Auto-Confirmation fΓΌr Einladungen
Send On-Demand E-Mails / WhatsApp to Community Members
Save payment method for future resource bookings
Advanced Service Pricing | Weekend/Holiday Pricing
Booking Quotas | Customer Credits
Blocking of customers
Booking Series
Separate title and description for English contents
Subscriptions & Member Management
Integrate smart-access-systems in Subscription
List View for Available Timeslots
Integration into HR-Systems | Integration in HR-Systeme
Gift Voucher Feature
Integration der Feiertage
Custom Notes on Invoices
Salto Systems Integration
Bookings without time | Day-only bookings
Native Booking Apps | iOS & Android
Generate and send offers to customers
PayPal Payments
Google Calendar | Two-Way-Sync
Multi-Resource Bookings | Smart Availability
Integration "Pay with Cash" in Online Payment
Mobile Notifications for Booking Reminder
Recurring Bookings
Private Services in Communities | Special Pricing for Community Members
Integration: Dormakaba (Exivo)
Outlook Add-in | Book rooms and desks from Outlook
Map Builder 2.0
Allow sorting of Services
Twint (Swiss Payment system on the cell phone)
Maps and Floorplans
Zahlungshistorie auf Bestellung / Payment history on orders